What's really on my mind this morning are things that bother me about some human behavior; the spectrum of suffering ranging from seemingly complete carelessness to near neurotic fear of death that, I believe goes along with being disconected from concious interaction with the oneness or collective soul, light power, God, or whatever you may call the connectivity aquired through spiritual practice (dance, meditation, trance, yoga, lightwork, mantra, etc.)
The gross actions of so many "crazed" humans! My thinking here includes murders and brutal gang violence, but really what gets me is everyday rudeness, and judgments passed onto strangers by other strangers!
My frustration occasionaly rises because it can sometimes feel like a very large majority of people on earth are still "disconnected" beings, and also seemingly not trying very hard to fix that.
Do they care ? How can someone care about something if they don't know about it? Here is a great argument for meditation and mantra to be taught in public schools from a young age.
I belive they must be he lost, and unaware of the majesty that we all truly posses, They have to be! Or in denial, either way. There's is no way a human could preverbally "drink from the endless cup of creation"(so to speak) without realizing how connected we all are and how small and vulnerable our world really is (especially to our own pillaging of Her.)
To a person like me and many of my friends it seems so obvious and simple. We are all human beings; Kings among Kings, all this national pride, and white pride, and even black pride for that matter is Bogus! Human LOVE! Forget Pride! Pride is a very Flawed emotion! It's Love! that's what we need, and it seems so obvious (to me)
I mean come on! The beatles created a mantra with "all you need is love" in the 60s, and here we are so many years later allowing ourselves to be victims of more and more oppression, censorship, and police tyraney then ever before! Much under the veil of safety, patriotism, and Fear.
The frustration for me is Mainly Mass-Media, Politics, and the BiG one... Disconnected Humans not caring! Now I realize the contradiction here... You may say I'm judging particular people or whatever, but there's always a big karmic difference between judging a stranger on their physical appearence and judging a person on their obvious actions and the way they cunduct themselves.
For example; the craziness in East Los Angeles last night after a Lakers victory. If you haven't seenbthis footage yet it was completly disgusting... Mobs of people bum-rushing innocent motorists at stoplights and bouncing their cars side to side violently in attempt to flip them!
CAN YOU BELIVE THAT! WTF is with people?
Now I could never see myself or ANY of my friends doing something like that! It's outrageous!
Now I truly belive this could never happen in a "mob" full of meditators :)
That's one example.
Another example of disconnected behavior that frustrates me is simply people being mean to eachother. Why are some people just mean for the sake of being that way? Shouldn't we all want to make an effort towards peace with our neighbors? especially since children seem to pick-up on, then almost "amplify" cruelty into their own interactions.
Media, and Politics are truly a culprit in all this. Obviously there's is enough of everything for everyone, if only the mass media and politicians (who shape the "mass-conciousness") would stop throwing stigmatized words around like "socialist" (negative stigma created by and nurtured through them.)
This is in no way a conspiracy blog, really I'm spouting frustration mostly born out of living in an important time for all being in the entire everything (I'm not complaining)! We are all privy to activly take part in the amazing mysterious events unfolding in and around us. All we have to do is begin to think about wanting it.
Thanks for hanging in there!
I love you, even if u refuse to connect :)
someday, someday! The dreamer is the real you.
Love and light till next time,
-- Post From My iPhone
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