Sunday, June 21, 2009

If the Goal is Truly Ascension from the Earth Dimensions; Why Were we Made to Forget? "Speculative Ramblings"

The search for a spiritual "connection" (it seems), I've come to discover (rather quickly) becomes in essence; A search for whatever created us and why. This "everyday life" trapped within the incarnation cycle of the earth can be extremely monotanous, even depressing.
Not truly being your "real self" (having concious contact with the "higher self") can be expierenced as super sad & also can be very difficult to "Fix".
Being that many humans are not too sure who "I" really is! "I" Meaning; The "Dimensional Being" "I" that existed before this particular "vessel" (in my case: James) was born into life on Earth, and of course, the "I" that will still exist when "James" the organic vessel is finally "recycled".

Often A question such as "who are you really" can stir up very different reactions from people. Some will think it's a silly question and they will list all of their "Earthly obligations " along with projected personality systems/"traits" which they themselves (and also other "forces" human & otherwise) have helped to nurture into living things (i.e: addictions, fears & other such manifestations) created and (again) nurtured mainly by our own devices.

—Very quickly- If you're not familier with some of these terms... Go Google: astral travel/layers, OBE, dimensional beings, & akashic records—

I wonder if dimensions such as akashic records, and astral matter layers are simply; Us as "lightbody" travelers accesing the "mainframe" computer (so to speak) that's actually running the "earth mans universe application" ! Through a sort of "glitch" (if you will) in our design. What if the "trance state" and other such methods of access to our forgotten "dimensional being attributes" are actually an unforseen "free radical" phenomenom... unforseen that is; by the creators of the "human vessel".

Through envoking a trance state (I like to say "Zone") —via all sorts of methods, including but not limited to; drugs, meditation, breathing techniqes , dancing, chanting, etc— Over many life cycles here in the Earth plain humanity has been making the Glitch or "loophole" easier and easier to "remember"

Robert Bruces Brilliant explaination for the "Akashic Pulse" can lend itself to this theory (or something similarm) nicely. Go Google "Akashic Pulse" and see what I mean; it seems while sleeping humans occasionally have their lightbody breathed out of their vessel and into the akashic feild for a sort of "automatic update/dowload/upload" and then of course returned to the body in one BIG breath or "Pulse". This phenomanom has been conciously expeirenced by many many a-traveler. Though the exact explaination is up for debate Alot of folks agree Robert Bruces "Akashic Pulse" explaination feels/seems about right.
Point being; the Akashic Pulse theory gives us an established expeirence to draw similarities, between our "computer / networking technology" and The "creators'" "technology"
The fact that "it" wipes our memory of life completly every re-incarnation could possibly be a sign of... what?
Well, Human Beings potentially can learn a ton in a single lifetime on Earth. So... If our goal is truly ascension... If that's really Gods plan for our evolution... If Earth in this "Density" is truly (as some theorize) a "school for souls"; wouldn't it make more sence to allow us to the lessons we've learned in previous incarnations? Or better yet; an anate abaility to access the akashic records built into our DNA or something to aid in our "remembering". I can understand if you must Forget do to being born into a new vessel (Human Baby) and therefore must Deal With a "Reset" Organic Brain, but if the creators truly wanted us to figure out this whole thing (& ascend) they'd have made Inter-dimensional travel a common ability (since we cannot retain memories do to the birthing process, that would certainly do the trick!)

So maybe, just maybe... They actually never wanted us to find any of it! Maybe In their perfect world we wouldnt have access to lightbody conciousness. That being said, maybe our creators' creators have different plans for us... thus "the glitch"???!!!???!???

In conclusion I want to say that I don't necessarily fully Believe in this theory. This blog post is simply hypothesis & speculation. The process of meditation, exploration, speculation, and verbalization is; I believe a super way therapeutic way to keep myself, in this life, cruising down a beneficial spiritually-oriented path.
In the same sence that; If a person spends alot time conciously thinking / fantasizing about sex; their subconcious mind will likely be guiding/driving them around with sex as a major motivator (not a very good thing BTW =)

Till next time...
—The artist formerly known as HaZe

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, June 12, 2009

"Why are there Mean People?" -Politics, Mass-Media, Mass-Conciousness, & Mass-Murder in a Handbag.

What's really on my mind this morning are things that bother me about some human behavior; the spectrum of suffering ranging from seemingly complete carelessness to near neurotic fear of death that, I believe goes along with being disconected from concious interaction with the oneness or collective soul, light power, God, or whatever you may call the connectivity aquired through spiritual practice (dance, meditation, trance, yoga, lightwork, mantra, etc.)

The gross actions of so many "crazed" humans! My thinking here includes murders and brutal gang violence, but really what gets me is everyday rudeness, and judgments passed onto strangers by other strangers!

My frustration occasionaly rises because it can sometimes feel like a very large majority of people on earth are still "disconnected" beings, and also seemingly not trying very hard to fix that.
Do they care ? How can someone care about something if they don't know about it? Here is a great argument for meditation and mantra to be taught in public schools from a young age.

I belive they must be he lost, and unaware of the majesty that we all truly posses, They have to be! Or in denial, either way. There's is no way a human could preverbally "drink from the endless cup of creation"(so to speak) without realizing how connected we all are and how small and vulnerable our world really is (especially to our own pillaging of Her.)

To a person like me and many of my friends it seems so obvious and simple. We are all human beings; Kings among Kings, all this national pride, and white pride, and even black pride for that matter is Bogus! Human LOVE! Forget Pride! Pride is a very Flawed emotion! It's Love! that's what we need, and it seems so obvious (to me)

I mean come on! The beatles created a mantra with "all you need is love" in the 60s, and here we are so many years later allowing ourselves to be victims of more and more oppression, censorship, and police tyraney then ever before! Much under the veil of safety, patriotism, and Fear.

The frustration for me is Mainly Mass-Media, Politics, and the BiG one... Disconnected Humans not caring! Now I realize the contradiction here... You may say I'm judging particular people or whatever, but there's always a big karmic difference between judging a stranger on their physical appearence and judging a person on their obvious actions and the way they cunduct themselves.

For example; the craziness in East Los Angeles last night after a Lakers victory. If you haven't seenbthis footage yet it was completly disgusting... Mobs of people bum-rushing innocent motorists at stoplights and bouncing their cars side to side violently in attempt to flip them!
CAN YOU BELIVE THAT! WTF is with people?

Now I could never see myself or ANY of my friends doing something like that! It's outrageous!

Now I truly belive this could never happen in a "mob" full of meditators :)

That's one example.

Another example of disconnected behavior that frustrates me is simply people being mean to eachother. Why are some people just mean for the sake of being that way? Shouldn't we all want to make an effort towards peace with our neighbors? especially since children seem to pick-up on, then almost "amplify" cruelty into their own interactions.

Media, and Politics are truly a culprit in all this. Obviously there's is enough of everything for everyone, if only the mass media and politicians (who shape the "mass-conciousness") would stop throwing stigmatized words around like "socialist" (negative stigma created by and nurtured through them.)

This is in no way a conspiracy blog, really I'm spouting frustration mostly born out of living in an important time for all being in the entire everything (I'm not complaining)! We are all privy to activly take part in the amazing mysterious events unfolding in and around us. All we have to do is begin to think about wanting it.

Thanks for hanging in there!

I love you, even if u refuse to connect :)
someday, someday! The dreamer is the real you.

Love and light till next time,


-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Fifteen Billiion years ago,
Before the beginning,
In the Studio of Eternity
There was a blank canvas,
Pregnant with the bpossibilty of Everything.
Our Collective Being,
The Divine Artist-the Creator God,
Aching to express, to exist,
Exploded itself/ourself into a cascade of lightselves.
A cosmic orgasm 
Big-banged us into creation,
Perfect in ratios, rhythms, and forms.
The Universe is a storm of light emerging,
Ever birthing, ever dying
Plasma selves, atom selves, molecular selves, cell selves,
Conscious lumps of DNA.
Ascending selves scaling evolving chains of Being.
Souls inside brightening,
Hardening into botanical and biological bodies.
Plant self, animal self,
Myself, yourself, ourselves,
Family Selves, city self, nation self,
An earth full of eyes sees everything on earth
And we are that!
Planet self, star self, galactic self,
Self as galactic cluster,
Self as entire web of Cosmos
With amnesia.
Our current artistic dilemma is to wake up
To the truth that we are the One Godself,
Creating the Universe-Every day.
-Alex Grey, from "Art Psalms"

Regarding "Astral Dynamics" By Robert Bruce

Just got it at B&N's... When I pick it up I don't put it down! Lots of information in there! Its a very THICK Book, But really easy to absorb / comprehend especially for such a complex subject matter. The author is on youtube. I would recommend anyone check this stuff out and learn to unlock your full potential! No more feeling Bored, or depressed, Once you really delve into Astral Dynamics, and Meditation from then on your on a Mission, with real purpose, full of more Fun, Mystery, & Ecstasy then ever imagined possible, For Real! And... All the answers, every experience ever experienced in the universe are available for us to experience fully! Go Google Akashic Records!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Abbey road

-- Post From My iPhone

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Umphreys mcgee show at the roxy on Gigatron turned out to be half right...

It turned out the show was actually The North Indiana Allstars (3 umphrey's mebers w/ a super bassist, and willie waldman on trumpet (amazing players) the openming act called "Ohmphrey" is half umphrey's Mcgee, and half of "Ohm" .. My "Gigatron" iphone app is where i found out about the show (on the night of like an hour before it started!) it was listred there as "Umphrey's Mcgee" so you could imagine my shock to see so few people aware of who was actually playing, and the Roxy's marquee read " North Indiana, & Ohmphrey " whom I knew nothing of, although "Ohmphrey" as a name was deffinatley enough of a giveaway for me not to be shy when handing over my sixteen bucks to see if said mystery band was in fact Mr.Mcgee's umphrey! I was Shocked awed blown away, and amazed! I am so lucky to have seen this show for as mere 16 buckaroonies! Thanks To NIAS's Ohmphrey, umphrey ohm or who ever you say you are =)

"4Track" iphone/itouch Multitrack Recording App is Sick! My post to "Sonoma Wire Works" Facebook wall... (Review of a GREAT app for musicians)

WOW your app has changed my life! thank you! Now I can instantly record my song ideas and turn them into studio quality .wav files, whilst I'm noodling out ideas on my acoustic guitar (did I mention Instantly!!!on the spot! Zero delay between idea and .wav file!!!)) then very simply I wifi the files to my desktop computer, drag them into Cubase, and finish the job (wet up track add soft synths, etc.) if you dont have it... Buy this app! itouch owners just need the ear buds with the microphone, they work great (That's what i use) The future has arrived, and "Sonoma wire works" are doing a fine job helping to drum it in!!! Now, in the next BIG update we need more of those AmaZing drum metronome loops! And how about a simple drum programmer in 2.5! wishful thinking... The app "4Track" is AWESOME just the way it is, VERY well thought out, & way worth every penny and then some! did I mention it's sooo inexpensive! Thanks again!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Reality only exists cause we say so...

I'm writing this quick preface to this entry 2 nights after I originally wrote it because I wanted to let everyone know the reason for most of the typos and grammer issues are due to the fact that I wrote this text message style from my free unlimited boost phones message center. I think I'll add a little signiture to those sort of posts from now on. Thank you so much for reading.

Things are always hard, is that not the point? Are we not here to learn? Is learning ever easy? Why do I let frustration effect my practice? I Want "it" now; that's why!

We couldnt plearn a new language instantly with marginal effort, why expect any different from spirituality? Maybe all the "burning bushes" were just that; burning, even the mist raging fire cools down, right?
Why allow frustration to stifle your personal goals? How petty it all seems. You're givin a gift then you want more , does it ever stop? Do you really want to be 70 years old and still concerned with who has more stuff and how you can stockpile more for yourself? Rupert murdock, Dick Cheney; do you suspect these men are ever satisfied / at peace ? We don't need to rally for the next liberal candidate we need to focus on transforming ourselves and our fellow brothers/sisters through the heart with love peace and the realization of ONE. Reality only exists cause we say it does! Dig That!

Politics are more make-beleive than Hans Christian Anderson! So let's collectively forget any of it ever existed & maybe it won't.

One love and light to and from the creator,
At the roxy seems they umphrys show was unadvertised! I got my info from gigatron app . Good investment... Free

Alex Grey, reminds me of the "Flower of Life", what do you think?

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I am... this or that, or "An Aspiring Something or Other..."

I am: A Musician, & spiritual seeker. A lover of all things created, a believer in "Universal Oneness", forever a student, integral to my environment, an aspiring something or other, trustworthy, a music lover, a technology enthusiast , always reading something, waiting for the world to change =)