Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Watch the sequel to 'Esoteric Agenda', by Ben and Daniel Stewart from Talismanic Idols.
"An amazing documentary expanding individual consciousness to higher levels of cosmic consciousness!" 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Get-up Stand-up DON’T FORGET TO FIGHT!

This land is NOT my land or your land… not when it’s run by assholes like Joe Lieberman! When will the people of this country finally say WE’VE HAD ENOUGH! Is it not enough that they can dictate which states of consciousness we’re allowed to explore in the privacy of our own homes, or scientific laboratories? The hypocrisy regarding cannabis alone should be enough for the people of this great land to begin to question these so-called leaders motives; EVERYBODY knows alcohol is way more Toxic and dangerous than marijuana, so why don’t the American people finally start asking themselves WHY? what’s the motivation? People are going to have to GET OFF OUR ASSES and DO SOMETHING about this over-crowded, power-hungry, money-motivated. corporate schill we call our “Federal Government!” It’s not too late, but it will be! Todays politicians attitude of lining their pockets and driving $120,000 cars before protecting the ONLY ENVIRONMENT WE HAVE… Throwing innocent non-violent drug offenders in jail for years and years (ruining millions of citizens lives and families) without ANY remorse whatsoever… All the while calling themselves humanitarians as they’re wiping their asses with OUR constitution, and  bill of rights, MUST STOP! NOW! I’m tired of this SHIT! aren’t You?
if fuck-head Joe Lieberman has his way:
The federal government would have “absolute power” to shut down the Internet under the terms of a new US Senate bill being pushed by Joe Lieberman, legislation which would hand President Obama a figurative “kill switch” to seize control of the world wide web in response to a Homeland Security directive.]
Is This going to get people pissed off enough to stand-up for their rights? I doubt it, we’re all drugged up on expensive pharmaceuticals, hypnotized and propagandized by television, and too worn out from working dead-end jobs to actually give a rats-ass. Their system is working flawlessly. THEIR SYSTEM IS NO-LONGER OUR SYSTEM! I’m not sure if it ever was.
I’m beyond anger… I’m SAD.